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What level does dragapult evolve

what level does dragapult evolve

Pokémon Sword and Shield have introduced a plethora of new and exciting Pokémon to the gaming world. Among these, Dragapult stands out as a fan-favorite due to its unique design and powerful abilities. As trainers embark on their journey through the Galar region, one burning question often lingers in their minds: What level does Dragapult evolve? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the details of Dragapult’s evolution, shedding light on the key factors that determine when this dragon-type Pokémon reaches its ultimate form.

Understanding Dragapult’s Evolution Line

Before we unveil the specific level at which Dragapult evolves, let’s take a closer look at its evolution line. Dragapult is the final evolution in a three-stage evolutionary line that begins with Dreepy. Dreepy evolves into Drakloak, which, in turn, evolves into the majestic Dragapult. This evolutionary journey adds an extra layer of excitement for trainers, making the destination all the more rewarding.


The Beginning of the Journey

The first stage of Dragapult’s evolution is Dreepy, a dragon/ghost-type Pokémon that captures the hearts of trainers with its endearing appearance. Dreepy can be encountered in various locations within the Galar region, and the journey begins when trainers add this elusive Pokémon to their team. As Dreepy gains experience through battles and other activities, it inches closer to its evolution into Drakloak.


The Intermediate Stage

Once Dreepy reaches a certain level of experience and friendship with its trainer, it evolves into Drakloak. Drakloak is a more formidable presence, boasting enhanced stats and a more mature design. This evolution marks a significant step in the progression toward the ultimate goal: obtaining the powerful Dragapult. As trainers continue to explore the Galar region and engage in battles, Drakloak gains the experience needed to make the final leap.


The Culmination of the Evolutionary Journey

Now, the moment trainers have been eagerly awaiting: the evolution into Dragapult. While the exact level varies, the critical factor for Dragapult’s evolution lies in the level of Drakloak. Typically, Drakloak evolves into Dragapult at a specific level, unleashing the full potential of this dragon/ghost-type Pokémon. The process is a testament to the bond formed between trainer and Pokémon, symbolizing growth and strength.

The Mysterious Level

What Level Does Dragapult Evolve?

The burning question remains

At what level does Dragapult evolve? Trainers must reach level 60 with their Drakloak to trigger the evolution into Dragapult. This pivotal moment in the evolutionary journey is a culmination of the efforts invested in training and bonding with Dreepy from its humble beginnings.

Tips for Efficient Evolution

To streamline the evolution process and ensure a timely transformation into Dragapult, consider the following tips,

Battle Experience

Engage in battles regularly to accumulate experience points for Dreepy and Drakloak. This is the most straightforward method to level up and reach the required level for evolution.

Exp. Candy

Use Exp. Candy items obtained throughout your journey to boost Dreepy’s experience points. This can be particularly helpful when you’re close to the required level and want to expedite the evolution.

Gaining Friendship

Maximize the friendship level between trainer and Dreepy. The stronger the bond, the more efficiently Dreepy will gain experience points in battles, speeding up the evolution process.

Lucky Egg

Equip Dreepy or Drakloak with a Lucky Egg during battles to earn additional experience points. This item increases the rate at which Pokémon gain experience, making it a valuable asset in the quest for Dragapult.

The Power of Dragapult

Once Dragapult emerges from its evolutionary cocoon, trainers are rewarded with a powerhouse of a Pokémon. Known for its incredible speed and versatile movepool, Dragapult becomes a formidable force in battles. Its signature move, “Dragon Darts,” allows it to strike multiple targets, making it a valuable asset in both single and double battles.


In conclusion, the journey to obtaining Dragapult is an exciting and rewarding experience for Pokémon trainers in the Galar region. By understanding the evolutionary line and the key level at which Dragapult evolves, trainers can strategically plan and optimize their training methods. Whether you’re a seasoned Pokémon trainer or a newcomer to the Galar region, the unveiling of Dragapult at level 60 is a testament to the dedication and partnership forged between trainer and Pokémon. So, equip your team, embark on your adventure, and watch as Dreepy evolves into the awe-inspiring Dragapult, ready to conquer the challenges that lie ahead.

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